Workouts at AS Standard
A surprisingly sweet, heartfelt (and long) feedback about my activities in their company arrived in my inbox from AS Standard. My goal is to bring joy, laughter, togetherness and movement into people’s day, and after reading this letter, I felt like I was on the right patch. It all started when I went to Standard […]
Office fitness improves posture
Has anyone ever felt great and so mobile that they could do splits after sitting or working at the computer for a long time? Probably not… Sitting for a long time makes our body stiff, so the first thing we want to do is to is a little stretch. However, if we do not do […]
International Sports Week 2016
As part of Sports Week 2016 “Find your rhythm”, I went to Vasalemma elementary school to talk students and teachers about nutrition, exercise and finding a balance between them. The lecture started with a little gymnastics, where all school students could stretch themselves in the middle of the school day, in order to improve their […]
Healthy workplace
for the body Exercise: sitting all the time at your workplace damages the body. Whoever moves during work also works productively For example, instead of calling a colleague, employees could go to each other in person. In addition, it is good to take the stairs instead of the elevator for a few floors. Breaks at […]
Office fitness keeps your head clear!
Movement, exercise and physical activity not only have a good effect on our body, but also keep our brain in shape. The brain is like a muscle – it becomes strong when used, and shrinks when not used. When performing exercises in the gym, the focus is precisely on shaping the muscles, but in fact, […]
Benefits of Office Fitness
There are no known negative consequences of office fitness. Except for excessive motivation and energy. In order to perform office gymnastics, you need to get up from your chair and move! Below I have described what happens when you do office fitness. Better posture Stretching exercises are essential for a person who works with a […]
Hello everyone
Welcome to Firmafitness blog! I’ll start from the beginning: who am I? I have a Law degree from University of Tartu, I’ve also improved my legal knowledge in Germany and in the United States, and practiced my legal knowledge in law firms. In addition, I have studied German language and literature at the University of […]
Foam roll & massage
In the following blog post I’ll explain what can be done with a foam roller(also known as roller). This type of massage is perfect for an office worker whose working day is spent mostly in a sitting position. Below, I will write more about the the roller, its usefulness, and I will also add a […]
Sitting positions
or the survival strategy of sitting. Look at how your colleagues are sitting on the chair. Many are probably hunched forward and have to bring their arms forward to reach the keyboard. In such a position, the neck also goes into an unnatural position. Sitting on a soft cushion at the back of the chair […]
Exercises for computer workers III
During the working day, it is very useful for the body to get up and do some movements. The body is meant to move, use it! An active exercise break improves mood, gets the blood moving and improves concentration. Maybe try something that requires a little more effort? The more difficult the exercise, the better […]