If the annual post-holiday slump has you hitting rock bottom with a low mood and a skyrocketing number on the scale, know that you’re not alone. Nearly 3 out of 4 people spend the entire year, not just the holidays, sitting too much and not moving enough. In this article I’m going to share both startling facts, as well as simple solutions on how to get yourself moving again.


Who among us hasn’t heard the slogan “Healthy mind in a healthy body!”? Even though these words must have been memorized by many Estonians, we have no reason to brag about our health.


As the founder of the company Firmafitness, I gave an overview of the physical activity indicators of the adult population at Äripäev conference. The numbers are overwhelming to say the least.


Accordong to the Institute of Health Development(statistics) 73.7% of the adult population of Estonia are inactive, or simply put, sitting all day. Almost 3 out of 4 people spend too much time sitting and not moving enough. In this case, 120 minutes of medium-intensity physical activity per week is taken as a benchmark, i.e. less than 20 minutes of walking per day. The numbers, as stated, are indeed shocking. Is it really true that only 26.3% of Estonian adults move more than 2 hours a week or 20 minutes a day?!


An active lifestyle brings better health

As the leader of Firmafitness, I feel it is my mission to introduce the principles of movement to the office workers. And with minimal equipment you can find an opportunity to practice an active lifestyle and maintain your health.
Lack of exercise is estimated to cause more than 42,000 cases of illness per year, or an estimated 4 cases for every hundred adults. The cases are mainly related to type 2 diabetes, followed by various cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases. Musculoskeletal diseases are a large part of the population’s health problems, one of the key factors in preventing them is regular exercise. All these lifestyle diseases can be prevented with active action and a change in attitude.

Adequate physical activity, along with improved muscle strength and balance, not only aids in disease prevention but also helps avoid injuries. It has been proven that people with low physical activity have a 12% higher risk of back pain and an almost 40% higher risk of bone fractures.

Simply put, the less we move, the higher our body weight tends to be. Excess body weight increases the risk of both cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases, including back pain.


Lack of exercise has a direct link to mental health problems

In addition to physical health concerns, mental health issues are becoming increasingly prevalent, and an active lifestyle plays a crucial role in their prevention and management. Regular exercise improves self-esteem, quality of life and sleep and reduces symptoms of anxiety. And think how many of us often have anxious situations in public spaces and workplaces. I know that from my extensive experience with clients. Lack of physical activity can increase the risk of depression by almost 20% and the risk of dementia by up to 40%.

I have experienced that many clients do not understand the connection between physical and mental health problems. As said, lack of exercise often increases body weight, which in turn can be related to negative self-image and resulting low self-esteem. Long-term studies have proven that obesity increases the risk of depression by nearly 15% and obesity by up to 50%. These numbers are frightening, so we can say that the mind feels the healthiest and most at home in a healthy body.


Support your body and mind!

It often takes a bit of willpower to increase physical activity in your life. By the way, there are certain exercises to increase willpower as well, which add energy to take action, and also give you a beautiful waistline after a while.
Even a little physical activity has a noticeable positive effect on physical and mental health, and the best time to start is today! Sometimes just small changes in daily behavior patterns are enough to support your well-being and boost your health! I’m going to share some ideas on how to add more movement and activity to your life.
Don’t be part of the negative statistics, start changing today!


Some ideas for increasing physical activity indoors and outdoors:


  1. Offer yourself to take out the trash, clean, or do other household chores You get points from others as well as yourself.
  2. During long phone calls, stand up and walk around if possible.
  3. Prefer taking the stairs to the elevator, even when you go to work.
  4. Take exercise breaks during the (working) day: stand, stretch.
  5. Do an exercise routine before eating, such as 20 squats. After a big meals, skip your next breakfast or dinner, so the body gets a little break from digesting.
  6. Take part in virtual fitness classes. Use online platforms (such as YouTube or other apps), to take part in dance workouts, yoga or strength workouts
  7. Creating an obstacle course for children
    Use furniture and household items (such as chairs, boxes or pillows) to create a homemade obstacle course.
  8. Only play active video games
    Try video games that require movement, such as Ring Fit Adventure on the Nintendo Switch, or VR training games (for example, Beat Saber).
  9. Do bodyweight workouts
    Do simple exercises such as squats, lunges, planks and push-ups. If you want to add weight, you can use filled water bottles or heavier books.
  10. Do a dance marathon
    Play your favorite music and move freely – it’s not only fun, but also a very effective cardio workout.
  11. Try exercises with a ball
    Use a small pilates or fitness ball for balance and core training.


  1. Use a weight vest when walking, so you get double the load during a normal walk.
  2. Organize a step competition with your colleagues and be a role model yourself.
  3. Find an opportunity for a 15-minute walk during your lunch break or after eating.
  4. Find an exciting hiking trail near your home, for example a park or the seaside. Come up with a playful goal (eg collecting steps or photos of different nature details).
  5. Try interval trainings at a park
    Do run intervals, jogging or brisk walking. The absence of snow is perfect for this type of training.
  6. Good old bycicle.
    When the roads are clear, take a bicycle and enjoy longer trips in nature or in the city.
  7. Outdoor body weight workout
    Use park benches for exercises like push-ups and lunges.
  8. Disc-golf or something else you enjoy playing
    Find a place to play disc golf or another sport. Why not basketball.
  9. Outdoor yoga
    Organize a yoga class in a park or backyard. Yoga helps improve both physical flexibility and mental balance.
  10. Discovery hikes
    Create a small itinerary for yourself with the aim of discovering new places – perhaps places you haven’t been before, such as discovering local history or architecture.


Article originally published in Tervis Pluss: https://tervispluss.delfi.ee/artikkel/120346242/passiivsed-puhad-panid-oma-eluviisi-ule-jarele-motlema-treener-annab-21-kavalat-nippi-kuidas-igapaevaellu-liikumist-lisada