In the following blog post I’ll explain what can be done with a foam roller(also known as roller). This type of massage is perfect for an office worker whose working day is spent mostly in a sitting position.

Below, I will write more about the the roller, its usefulness, and I will also add a video of back rolling, which office people could try.

There are several ways to take care of your muscles, for example, alternating between hot and cold water in the shower, going to the sauna, eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep. Also, massaging your muscles is one of the best things you can do for yourself, as regular maintenance of your muscles relieves tension.

So that you don’t have to visit a masseur or physiotherapist every day, there is a great tool – a foam roller.

What is foam roller?

Foam roller is a hard roller that can be used for self-massage.

What happens during rolling?

During rolling, tense muscles are released. With the help of your own body weight or with the help of the weight of a body part, a specific area is rolled for about 30-60 seconds.

You can roll lying down, sitting or standing (for example, against a wall).

During the massage, you will definitely find your trigger points (hard spots in the muscles). Anyone who has had trigger point therapy knows how painful these points can be.

Long story short: during self-massage find your mildly painful areas, for example, in the shoulder and neck area and on the back.

Why should you use foam roller?

With rolling, you release your muscles from tension – it also has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Positive effects of rolling:

Who should usefoam roller

Everyone wins from usingfoam roller. Foam rolleris being used by physiotherapists in their daily work and also by top athletes in their training. The roller can be used by everyone – from non-athletes to elite athletes.

You can roll every day – whether it’s a training day or a non-training day.

Who does not benefit from foam roller ?

People who have particularly high muscle tension or who have limited range of motion in some joints should consult a physiotherapist. Foam roller does not replace the physiotherapist.

Are there risks?

Risk factors occur only when performing the exercise. When rolling, it is necessary to keep the correct posture and the area to be rolled well free.

Pain in the muscles should not be too intense. There are rollers with different degrees of strength – in case of strong muscle tension, use a softer roller.

In the video below I show hot to roll your back. This is a great way to get rid of back pain and tension. It also helps bring the upper body back from a forward-rotated position to an upright position.

It is important to keep the back free and let the roll come into the muscles. If rolling is painful, you can also simply lie on the roll.